Sunday, July 8, 2018

Thank you to all our donors

Thank you to all our Take Heart International donors who provided funding for the following new projects:

Latrines and Kitchen Buildings

Class Manuals and Student Books

Fair Oaks Rotary donated funds for classroom books,  which will make a huge difference in preparing the students for secondary school testing.

Jimmy Okot presented the book donations to the teachers.


Thanks to an individual donor,
we now have security fencing surrounding the school grounds.

Solar Panels

Thanks to individual donors the students can now study after dark. 




 We are excited the students and community will be able to raise crops of corn which will provide maize to be used to make porridge for student's lunches. Additional crops will be used for school funding.  An additional benefit of the garden will be  to teach agriculture to the students and parents.

Beautiful New School Desks

After sitting on the floor for one year, the 250 students and teachers are thrilled to have new school desks.  Individual donors made it possible to obtain 100 desks which provides seating for 300 students.  

Staff Furniture

Generous donors have provided  needed furniture for staff, including desks, bookcases, tables and chairs.


We are in the process of having a borehole installed.  Having clean water is so important in Africa. Thanks to your generous donations,
the students will no longer have to walk a long distance for drinking water and they will be able to use the water for the garden.

Thank you so much to our donors for  ALL of these new additions and
 a BIG thank you to our ongoing teacher sponsors.

We Love You